For moms of young kids...

I came across this post yesterday from one of my fav blogs. It's a must read for moms of young kids, babies, toddlers... whatever the age!

Here are a few excerpts that resonated with me...

I was thinking yesterday about how every single stage of childhood brings it's joys and tribulations, it's challenges and it's rewards, but it is all good in the end and all of it needs to happen.  Sometimes when a stage gets frustrating, I think of the alternative.  The alternative being that I don't have little feet pattering after me constantly, and my house sits perfectly clean but empty, and there is no little body to cuddle which will always be a great excuse for a nap.


I want to always remember the work I am doing won't last for long, it is fleeting, it is precious and not ever to be taken for granted.  I will wish it back one day, I already look at the years and wonder where they've gone. There are women who would give anything to be in my place, whether struggling with infertility, or experiencing the sickness or loss of a child and wishing they could have every thing back the way it had once been.


A feeling-sorry-for-myself moment can become a thank-my-lucky-stars moment.  

Nina playing hide-and-seek in her carseat... silly girl!


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