Off to the Emerald Isle

Off we go to Ireland. The Emerald Isle.

Off to Ireland for some much needed relaxation, adult time, whiskey, lush green country sides, crisp ocean breezes, pub music and exploration. We're headed to Galway, Lahinch, Killarney, Kinsale and Dublin. I cannot wait. But, we'll miss our little Nina dearly.

P.S. I haven't quite made our other September activities a priority to blog (Ironman, Nina's birthday party, one-year photos, etc), but come October I'll be back at it. My apologies.

Have a nice few weeks. Slainte!

Irontot and Ironman

Here's a sneak peek of our Ironman weekend extravaganza. How cute is that Irontot onesie? Just TRI and outlast me! Thanks, Etsy. Love it!

The short of it is Mr. Evans did grrrreat (in my best Tony the Tiger voice). The long of it will be posted as soon as I compile all of the videos and photos! Stay tuned.

For now, this picture of Nina should suffice. 

Happy Weekend!

Twelve months! Nina is One!

My baby is one today. Actually, it's official at 4:45 pm, but who's counting? I have to say, today is bittersweet. It's hard to watch my baby girl grow so quickly before my eyes, but I am excited for all that is to come.

I've decided today's post will be short. Can I really smoosh my emotions and thoughts about her twelve precious months into succinct words? Probably not. I'm getting a bit weepy thinking about it. However, I'm working on a project I hope to share with you (whomever my readers are). Stay tuned.

Happy birthday beautiful Nina. We love you.

Here's a synopsis of Nina's month-by-month photos... Enjoy!

I think this last photo says it all. Here we go! Keep up with me mommy and daddy! I'm afraid she's inherited the energy, spunk and determination of her daddy and I. :)

Gearing Up

September 5, 2011. Labor Day, ironically, and my due date. Come and gone. As anxious as I was to become a momma, I knew my little girl would cook as long as she pleased and enter the world on her own time.

September 11, 2011. Baby girl Evans still had not made her appearance. Mr. Evans and my dad had cautiously ventured to Madison to watch Ironman Wisconsin 2011 in which my godfather/Uncle Mark was competing. We've been to the last umpteen Ironman's so why would we miss cheering him on?! However, I decided to stay home just in case I went into labor.

September 12, 2011. Mr. Evans registers for Ironman 2012. Yikes, here we go. I knew this meant a long road ahead of training, swimming, biking and running. Mr. Evans was gearing up for a mental, physical and emotional Ironman year (oh yeah, and becoming a new father), just as I was mentally, physically and emotionally preparing to be induced and welcome a baby just two days later.

September 13, 2011. 4:45 pm. Nina Lorraine Evans enters our lives. On her own time, without an induction. I had a very smooth and peaceful delivery with just a few hiccups. She was perfect from the start. I couldn't have asked for a better experience and remember every minute like it was yesterday.

Fast forward a year.

Today was my due date exactly one year ago. I am reliving all those feelings of anticipation and joy. As our little Nina turns one in a few short days, Mr. Evans will complete his journey of becoming an Ironman. Talk about full circle.

People may have thought we were crazy this past year. A new baby, me in grad school, Mr. Evans training, our careers, family... life doesn't get put on hold. I wouldn't do things any other way. Life is too short not to live it to the fullest. Was it hard at times? Yes. But doesn't energy and effort make you appreciate your results?

I believe in living life with intention. We all have the same 24 hours, but it's what we put in that counts. And, this is a lesson I want Nina to learn. So, why not from the very beginning?

There were times I lost it. Ok many times. I'll admit it was hard being a single parent while Mr. Evans spend hours and hours (or what seemed like whole days, which they were some days) swimming, biking, running, preparing. With a new baby, it's easy to feel lonely. And I often felt guilty, like why could I complain when he was the one doing all the physical work? But isn't caring for your child and home work too? And of course, I missed my husband during those times and just wanted to be with him. However, the whining only lasted temporarily. At the end of the day, I was incredibly happy to support him in his journey just as he supports me in my daily journey. I only feel pride for what Mr. Evans has and will accomplish. I am inspired by his energy, mental strength and attitude.

So here we are. Gearing up for a first birthday and an Ironman journey. We made it. But it's not really the end. It's just the beginning.

Smart. Steady. Smooth. Strong.

If you've made it this far, thanks for reading. And for those who know who they are, thanks for everything you've done to help us this year.

Also, thanks in advance for your positive energy and prayers for Mr. Evans this weekend!

Daddy and Baby shoes. From left to right, Mr. Evans has gone through three pairs in training.
On the other hand, Nina's shoes are ready for her to start walking!

Hello, September ...

Hello September.

Hello Ironman Wisconsin 2012.

Hello Nina's first birthday.

Hello Ireland.

Hello my twenty-seventh birthday.

Pleased to meet you crisp mornings, pretty fall colors, a new season. Welcome back jeans, socks, slippers and scarfs.

I'm sad to see the warm months of summer disappear, but am anxious and excited for all that September has to hold.

Stay tuned for lots of great blog posts about the above activities... and more!


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