Here's the random list and a few photos.
I've been loving this necklace, created by Korie Robertson of Duck Dynasty fame. I heard her on The Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey podcast when she was promoting a book she wrote about parenting, and I was hooked on her story! Get the necklace here.
I watch only a few movies a year, but we recently watched Joy with Jennifer Lawrence. It's inspired by the story of inventor and entrepreneur Joy Mangano, and my husband and I both really loved it. It was so nice to watch a story that wasn't depressing, sad or violent. Always a win. ;)
I've also been LOVING the show Grace & Frankie on Netflix. I highly recommend you watch it! So fun and real, honestly.
Another thing I've been loving is this quote. It's hanging on the wall near my desk.
"Nothing will make you feel better except doing the work"
So good, right? And SO true.
Lastly, this time of year I LOVE when things start to green up again. My pots are planted, the sun is shining and the pretty trees in our yard are blooming.
Life sure is good. :)