Zucchini Bread

Our town has a fantastic farmer's market every Saturday morning and I'm a sucker for it. I love the smells, the people, the colors, getting there early, biking down with my little wicker bike basket (pre-pregnancy), and the stands managed by all sorts of unique individuals. I tend not to miss it unless we're out of town. So far this year, I've bought radishes (to make Radish and Avocado Flank Steak Tacos), corn (on the grill), green beans, fingerling potatoes, Beechwood cheese (per the usual), cheese curds (of course, it's Wisconsin), etc. This last week, they finally had zucchini. I love zucchini themed baked goods - bread, muffins, bundt cake... you name it. This year, I tried a recipe from my mother-in-law's cookbook, printed from her good friend Cathy's mother, Ruby.

P.S. Baby shower photos will be posted soon!


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