6 Things My Four Year Old Loves Right Now

I love hearing from other mom's what things are keeping their child busy and interested. I'm sure you know how hard it can be to find educational and fun games and activities that your kiddo and you both love.

Here are 6 things my daughter Nina (and I!!) are loving right now. :)

We have the states, countries, planets and presidents versions. Nina loves them!!

TWO: Spot It!
We have the Frozen version (go figure), but this simple game keeps her entertained for longer than usual! :) It's also nice to take to a restaurant or on the airplane.

THREE: Boogie Board
Her new favorite. She practices her letters, draws pictures, plays restaurant and "waitress" with it, you name it. It's also great to bring in the car!!

FOUR: Lots of Books
I love love love books and we have a boatload of them. I posted about some of our favorite books here.

FIVE: Brain Games Kids
We started off with the Toddler version and now have moved on to the Preschool edition. Nina loves to go through pages with me during her bedtime story time. This is her top pick to go along with a book or two - we pick random pages (maybe only 5 pages a night). She loves it!! There are editions for older kids too.

SIX: Hooray Mail Activities
Of course, I have to add Hooray Mail. :) She loves doing the activities with mama and even more so loves the idea of mail coming JUST FOR HER!! Her first card came about a week ago and she's already asking when the next one will come! I assure her that every few weeks a card will show up as a surprise in the mailbox and it's so adorable to see her excitement! 


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