When you have a good mail day...

When you get a front row parking spot...

When you paint your nails and they actually dry without getting smudged...

When your kiddos go to bed without any negotiation or nagging...

When you have a great mail day...

Ahhh yes, a great mail day!!!

Don't you lovvve when this happens?

Last week on a particular day, I got a Blue Apron shipment (we tried it for the first time), Birchbox, a few fun holiday catalogs to look through, a pretty invite to a family baptism and Nina got her latest Hooray Mail envelope!


I shared on Instagram how we did the super simple activity in this month's Hooray Mail card together. She loves purple painted fingernails, by the way! :)

I created Hooray Mail to deliver smiles and to connect mamas with their kiddos - on purpose - not by accident. So when I get to do this exact thing with my daughter and see her eyes light up ... the WHY behind this business is crystal clear.


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