7 of my Favorite Books Lately!

Winter is the perfect time to cozy up with a good book, so today I thought it'd be fun to share 7 of the books I've been loving!

First up, The Five Minute Journal. It's not really a "book" actually, but it's something I use every day in the form of a book. Click here if you haven't heard of it.

Next up is Bread & Wine by Shauna Niequist. This is one of those books you can pick up and read chapter by chapter since it's really just a whole bunch of short stories and recipes. So good!

I've mentioned this before, but I'm still loving the Savor Devotional by Shauna Niequist. I find myself reading paragraphs out loud to my husband and thinking about certain passages all day long. I've never been a devotional user until this one. 

Oh my gosh. If you haven't read When Breath Becomes Air it is a MUST read. I'm telling everyone I know about it! I finished in a two days and finished the book sobbing in my bed. It is so profound and SO well written. Probably the most meaningful book I've read in years.

I come back to this book over and over. Deliberate Motherhood just stays on my nightstand and I read pages on nights when I feel like I need a motherhood boost. :)

My husband and I both love this book! It's super tough to find and goes on eBay for $350+ but I found a copy a few years back for about $50 as a gift for Mark. If you can your hands on a copy of This is Earl Nightingale you will not regret it.

This book is also one I just pick up when I need some encouragement. It's another one I'd really recommend if you're at a crossroads - between what you SHOULD do and your calling towards what you MUST do in life.


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