One of those days..

Yesterday was one of those nights I found myself with a short fuse and feeling impatient towards my girls (and by default, Mr. Evans). I'll be honest, it's mostly just ordinary mundane life stuff (which usually I'm so thankful for because really... the mundane and the buzz of regular life is just the best and all we really need), but for whatever reason I was stuck with a bad attitude. I know I'm not alone. We ALL have days like this. It's human.

But after my girls were tucked in bed and sleeping soundly, and I had a moment to just be, I easily reflected on my blessings and how silly the past few hours had been. And here I sit now, typing. Not exactly sure why I feel compelled to share this all, but sometimes you just need to vent and have a glass of wine. Can I get an amen?? Maybe I'm writing this so you don't feel you're the only mom on the planet who gets frustrated or impatient and then wonder, am I a bad mom? (To which the answer is obviously NO.)

I'm reminded that being a patient, deliberate and loving mother is hard work. But oh so important. It's the real work of life. The good stuff. These ARE the good years, RIGHT now. They're not coming later, they are NOW.

I'm reminded that calm is contagious. My girls mirror me in every way possible - how I look at myself in the mirror, how I discipline, how I act silly, how I take deep breaths to come back to center, how I have to have a sweet treat after dinner.

I'm reminded that humor always helps. Mr. Evans is the best at this, and I surely wish I could master it like he has. If you know him, you know what I mean... but there is an ART in being able to take any, and I mean any, situation and make it belly laugh worthy.

As any good parent says, the days are long but the weeks/years/months go fast!

Tomorrow will likely be better. It's a marathon, not a sprint. Yes life is short, but life is also long. We're blessed with many many moments to start anew. :)

Ok so I'm blabbering, but upon typing this I also went back to read a post I wrote a year ago about one of my favorite books on mothering called Deliberate Motherhood. If you're a mama, I cannot recommend it enough. Here's the post if you want to read it too.

Here is one of my favorite passages:
When you are exasperated by interruptions, try to remember that their very frequency may indicate the valuableness of your life. Only the people who are full of help and strength are burdened by other people's needs. The interruptions which we chafe at are the credentials of our indispensability. The greatest condemnation that anybody could incur--and it is a danger to guard against-- is to be so independent, so unhelpful, that nobody ever interrupts us and we are left comfortably alone.

Ahh yes, so good. I love being a mama and wouldn't trade it for any job in the world. It's the good stuff. Now off to top of my wine! Cheers mama's ... we're doing it!! :)

P.S. Don't you just love lilacs this time of year? I wish I could do a scratch-and-sniff through the computer screen!! :)


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