Happy Birthday to me! Today I'm turning 30!

I'll admit, my last year of my twenties at first felt a little well... daunting. I wasn't sure if I was ready to be THIRTY. I know, I know. Get over myself, right?

So rather than pity party central, I've totally reframed my attitude over the past few months.

Instead of lamenting over the fact that I'm older, I'm instead celebrating it with all my heart.

I'm here another year. I get to be a mama and wife and friend and daughter another year. Hooray!

I am one blessed lady. :)

I'll leave you with this: click here. These charts and graphs literally made me laugh out loud!

Also, just a shout out to my wonderful husband and friends for the fun party last Saturday night. I was so grateful to have some of my closest friends with me from near and far. So fun! Tonight, we're celebrating with a catered dinner party on the patio at my parent's lake house. It's looking a bit different than my mom initially planned (kiddos are coming because our babysitter fell through at the last minute), but we're making the best of it. And actually, my girls are my proudest accomplishments of the last 30 years so it's fitting they'll be there to celebrate with us!

(image via - yes I know it's a wedding cake, but what the heck - it's a birthday cake because I said so... and it looks pretty... and it says hooray!)


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