The Lively Show!!!

I'm SO honored and excited to be featured on The Lively Show today! Jess Lively, the host, is someone I've gotten to know over the past year or so, and when she asked if I'd come on the show I'll admit ... I got a bit misty eyed!

Her guests are people I admire and learn from, so she'd seriously want ME to join their company? Just look at this list of just a few of her past guests!

If you haven't binged listened to every single episode, you're missing out. Even my husband is a convert!! :)

The show has had over 1 million downloads and is in the top 5% of all podcasts. To say I'm nervous for you to listen is an understatement.

But it's also a major privilege to share what I'm talking about. We talk about her course Life with Intention Online. I share things about me, Hooray Mail and my life as well (of course)! I'm an alumni of the course and I share how it was a game changer for me. It ultimately has helped me to be more at peace with my life and has led to the creation of my capital V Values and Values Based Intentions. I shared a bit about the course here.

I really hope you learn something from listening to our chat and consider joining the course yourself. If you do, let me know that you've signed up because I get a little special something! It's a life changer I promise... so so soooo good!

So you can just click on the image above or the link below (then scroll down to the coral box on that page and click the play arrow) to listen. Or find it wherever you like to get your podcasts!

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